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The developmental edit considers the manuscript as a whole. At this level I work with structure, logic, coherence, order and clarity. I look for anything that might be unclear, redundant or missing and offer solutions.
This is the most comprehensive of the editing services.
How to get started: Please contact me here, and once I have confirmed my schedule allows it, you email me a synopsis of no more than 500 words, plus the first chapter. Once I have agreed to take on your project, you submit your manuscript in 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman font, double spacing.
The process: After receiving your manuscript, I will return structural feedback within six weeks. (Structural feedback means, for example, advice on reordering chapters to enhance pace, or working on the timeline of the novel.) Once the greater structure is set, we work more closely. This will happen in two rounds. In round 1 I send you the file with tracked changes and comments. You look over changes, accept or reject them with the tracking function, and respond to comments. Next we do a second round: I respond to any comments and queries you had in round 1. Once all feedback is consolidated, we do a third, much more straightforward, round. This third round concludes the service.
Payment terms: 50% of the fee is due when you email me the manuscript for editing. Once I have received proof of payment, I will begin work. The balance is due on completion of the project. Payment is by PayPal, Interac or EFT (South Africa).
Cost: Available on request through the contact form. Quotes are in Canadian dollars.
Please be aware that while I will give you my best professional input, there is no guarantee that a publisher will pick up your novel, even after our work together.