Manuscript evaluation
Detailed advice to help you towards publishing
The manuscript evaluation gives you a detailed report on your work in progress. You will get an evaluation of structure, style, cohesion, language use, plot, setting, characterization, narrative techniques and literary devices. I will send you an assessment report of between six and eight pages. The service includes phone, Skype, FaceTime, email or in-person access to me for a total of two hours once you have studied the report. At this point I can answer questions and provide advice on how to approach publishers. These two hours of contact conclude the service.
How to get started
Please contact me here, and once I have confirmed my schedule allows it, you will email me a synopsis of no more than 500 words. The synopsis should include:
Genre (Fiction / memoir or non-fiction? If fiction: Literary / general / historical / fantasy or romance?)
Brief description of setting
Brief outline of main characters
Brief summary of the plot
At which audience are you aiming this book?
What is the full word count?
Once I have agreed to take on your project, you will email me your manuscript, which must be in 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman font, set to double spacing. At this point I require payment of 50% of the project fee. Payment is by PayPal or Interac (Canada), or EFT (South Africa). Once I have received payment, I will begin work, and you will have a detailed report within six weeks. Payment of the remaining 50% is due as soon as you receive the report.
Cost: Available on request through the contact form. There is a flat rate for the assessment and report plus an additional fee per page. Quotes are in Canadian dollars.
Please be aware that while I will give you my best professional input, there is no guarantee that a publisher will pick up your work, even after our work together.